der englische 16 bars thread

Do you know what the **** you just wrote
it don't make sense boy read the note
take particular notice of bar number nine
you only bring mere fumbled rhymes
you never bring double rhymes, your bars are short
you heading for troubled times, prolly the coke you snort
I told you to keep my name out yo weak ass verse
But It's always the same know yo weak ass gon' burst
You tryin to step to far you can't even speak the lingo
Ain't got a punch but you still tryin to swing though
everybody can see my lines drop harder than NB's
Conscious but still able to **** up so called battle MC's
And Shine, you better step up and join the battle
You acting weak as if nosebleeds rhymes had you rattled
keep me out your verses or else I'll rap you dead
Verse is the name, self proclaimed King of the Thread
an nosebleed und die anderen hater : ich hab nicht wie ihr immer zeit, vorm rechner rumzuhaengen. ich mache hier in indien einen lehrgang, das heisst von 10 - 16 uhr lernen und arbeiten / geld verdienen, spaeter mit freunden / familie / maedels was starten. also, kein battlescheiss mehr meinerseits in diesem thread. das ist kein feiges aus dem weg gehen, ihr koennt gerne einen battle thread eroeffnen, nosebleed & micropanther vs. shine oder so, aber nicht in diesem thread, denn dieser thread war von vornherein nicht als battle thread, sondern als der 16 bars thread gedacht. menschen, die lesen koennen und halbwegs intelligent sind, schnallen das. capiche ?

gruss an verse
joa weisst ich habe den scheis ned gestartet du kommst mit zeilen ich sei weak weil ich whookid erwähne und unterstellst mmir ich kenne keinen big l und da dachte ich mir auch was will na der jetzt
ka ich habe auch ned vor so weiter zu machen und will auch kein battlen im thread naja ich glaube hier haben wir genug gebattlet ich werde auf nix mehr antworten werde meine 16er freetypes posten und für mich ist der scheis gegessen
word Bleed
ch habe ja shcon vorher gesagt das ich net mehr konter oda fronte
aba das mit dem battlen muss du grad sagen shine,aba is jetzt auch egali
nowadays people care too much 'bout frontin' & battle
but since a few days i have another thing keeps me rattled
met a girl who's fightin' a battle against cancer since years
loosin life and everything connected with is her biggest fear
destiny interferes, chemotherapy's goin' on
but the course of destiny... like the wind, it's blowin' on
she's so glad about every single word of courage
because she sees 2morrow but don't know if she can do it
life's a bitch, so screw it, that's what she told to me
her strength inspires, her friendship is like gold to me
she's loosin' all her hair, the saddest thing is, fast
life's slippin' away from her, she don't know which's the last
day she'll breathe the wind, last day she'll see the light
but since she's one of my friends, i can see she fights
i hope she'll live some more, even defeat the sickness
we gotta get accustomed that life's sometimes a big mess
Original geschrieben von shineone
nowadays people care too much 'bout frontin' & battle
but since a few days i have another thing keeps me rattled
met a girl who's fightin' a battle against cancer since years
loosin life and everything connected with is her biggest fear
destiny interferes, chemotherapy's goin' on
but the course of destiny... like the wind, it's blowin' on
she's so glad about every single word of courage
because she sees 2morrow but don't know if she can do it
life's a bitch, so screw it, that's what she told to me
her strength inspires, her friendship is like gold to me
she's loosin' all her hair, the saddest thing is, fast
life's slippin' away from her, she don't know which's the last
day she'll breathe the wind, last day she'll see the light
but since she's one of my friends, i can see she fights
i hope she'll live some more, even defeat the sickness
we gotta get accustomed that life's sometimes a big mess

yeah, traurig und / aber wahr. doch klar kannste feedback geben, wenne willst... peace
Nowadays everybody says he is Hip Hop
na just industry cats who say they on his top
it's a shame all these laims saying the same
so many can't remember all this funny names
and I come to expose all mistakes u made
it's this rap industry game that I hate
I'm Nosebleed and it's the Pain that take
it's the truth what I say it's no hustle what they play
and goddamn it's no secret get the hell outta my way
my punches hard like I learned from cassius clay
duce that I pay day for day and pain what shit tv sprays
hey stop you tell all this trash to us, the young
make this generation feel like crime is welcome
this goes to all gangsta rapper who come
start beefing with everyone and end up done
you know how, broke and unemployed
one year beefing and finaly destroyed
right here.....mein PC is einfach mal für ne woche internetfrei gewesen dewegen keine bars von mir....ich mach mich aber bald wieder an die arbeit.....peace shine
Original geschrieben von Verse
right here.....mein PC is einfach mal für ne woche internetfrei gewesen dewegen keine bars von mir....ich mach mich aber bald wieder an die arbeit.....peace shine

alle haben nur auf dich gewartet! :rolleyes:
Life aint shit, its just a bitch, sucking dick/
she puffing spliffs, talkin **k*in shit/
yoyoyo i better stay to the german language/
cuz its easier to find the words and understand it/
sehr sehr dope, mc gluehbirne.

deine rhymes sind gespickt mit weisheit, eloquenz und purem wissen. respekt.
im moment ist mir nicht so nach rhymes zumute... das maedchen mit dem krebs hat sich seit n paar tagen nicht mehr gemeldet und ich hab keinen blassen schimmer wies ihr geht... sie hat kein telefon. bis die tage... peace

ps. verse, lass mal wieder was lesen von dir...
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