Rap Is A Name , And A Name Is Much


am Start
30. Juli 2003
for some peoples names are nothing , but look at this song ... you will see that a name is much , like the rap ... rap is a name but many people heare rap ... names are many of the world .... so do you think about what a name means ..... it can say that rap will not of the world ... but you think ... names are MOTHER****ING words , but rap is not a mother****ing word .... rap is best rap gave the rulez , so rap is a name .....
think about what you saw about names ..... look at this song , you will see that names more is then a name ....
come on .... think about .... we have allready think bout , and now we know what its mean ..
do know what names can say ? ok , we sing for the names , wich is not means .... but look like "Eminem" what means eminem . if i not here ... you say "eminem is a mother****ing word" but i am here .... so think about the other peoples , wich you not know .... these are not mother****ing .... these are people ore kids like me and you ... so think about names ....
is ja gut .... der text is scheisse ... und em und tupac sind auch nicht meine helden ...

3 mal der text reicht ja wohl ...
Sorry mann, aber dein Text gefällt mir gar nicht...
Ich finde da reimt sich kaum was und grammatisch isses extrem schlecht, ok das is nicht so wichtig, aber mann kann es auch übertreiben..
Ausserdem wie willst du das rappen wenn du nach allen 3 Wörtern ne Pause machst ??

Es fehlt son bisschen der Tiefgang, ich find die idee is ganz ok aber versuch irgendwie das alles noch besser in reime zu verpacken und irgendwie nochn bisschen deeper zu machen
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