Looking for a club in Germany


am Start
13. Mai 2003
I'm looking for a club in Germany, not to far from The Netherlands, for a show of Just Ice, DJ Scratch en Blaq Poet (Screwball), the time to start the tour is from 13th of august 2004

so sent me an email if you are interest or if you know a club who is interest.

blaq poet from screwball? :eek: damn i luv him :D please choose a club in hannover ... it´s not so far from the netherlands ;) please please i wanna see poet :)
or go do www.phonodrome.de in hamburg at first the club seems to be a pure techno/trance club but the beatnuts had a gig there only a few days ago. And the location isn't too large so that the atmosphere will be great i think

thanks for the info, i send both clubs just an email. I hope they are interest
Original geschrieben von rize
thanks for the info, i send both clubs just an email. I hope they are interest

give us some facts when they have answered your mails ...

i'll do if they answer, because the Musikzentrum Hannover, gave me another name, becaue they don't book any artist direct
there is a little club (250 people) in Bochum, called the Robespierre, its a "pure" Hip Hop Club. DJ Babu was there last December.
www.cutsforcats.de <---- the Homepage of the DJ's
no no no münster is place to be
first our town isn´t really far from the netherlands,
second we´ve got a nice club called skaters palace
and third our crowd is the best in ****in germany
so come thru münster

Original geschrieben von donking157
no no no münster is place to be
first our town isn´t really far from the netherlands,
second we´ve got a nice club called skaters palace
and third our crowd is the best in ****in germany
so come thru münster


der is doch zu oder?

we organize a lot of HipHop Jams in Siegburg and Bonn (NRW, about 45 minutes away from Venlo!)
You can Find more information on www.sanktaugustintretminen.de
We have different Locations, so if you are interested, please use the Contact Formular on our Homepage!!
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