
hääää das video gibt es doch schon länger !!! aber the game ist noch älter !!!
Dir wär wohl en Video mit dicken Karren und halbanckten Frauen lieber, weil das ja so innovativ is :rolleyes:

das meiste so genannte innovative ist einfach scheisse.

halbnackte attraktive frauen, tolle autos usw funktionieren einfach immer.

also hör weiter deine backpacker sachen ...
warum sieht common auf dem cover so aus als wenn er lange haare hätte?
irgendwie super komisch
das meiste so genannte innovative ist einfach scheisse.

halbnackte attraktive frauen, tolle autos usw funktionieren einfach immer.

also hör weiter deine backpacker sachen ...

videos sind allgemein egal !!!! und was sollen immer diese komischen sprüche gegen backpacker ??? was hörst du denn so ???
videos sind allgemein egal !!!! und was sollen immer diese komischen sprüche gegen backpacker ??? was hörst du denn so ???

Der hört den Sido und den Bushido. Es sei den seine Kollegen (fals er welche hat) mögen lieber Ami-Rap, dann ists 50 Cent! Weisst du der hat eben auch so coole Karren und geile Bitches!
das meiste so genannte innovative ist einfach scheisse.

halbnackte attraktive frauen, tolle autos usw funktionieren einfach immer.

also hör weiter deine backpacker sachen ...

Ok, tut mir leid... Sachen von Bushido, Massiv und Orgi sind echt cooler :rolleyes: Man wie kann ich bloß sö dumm sein und Common hören wobei der REALE Hip-Hop wie die oben genannten Artists doch so offentsichtlich vor meinen Augen liegt (Achtung Ironie, verstehen Massiv-Hörer vielleicht nicht ;) )

Ich wär ja für ne Bewertungsrunde, also jeder darf "null" mal ganz ehrlich bewerten, also ich habs schon gemacht, ratet mal wie die Bewertung ausgefallen ist :p
can i borrow a dollar und one day it will all make sense habe ich mal besessen und sehr gerne gehört, mitlerweile nervt mich seine stimme manchmal ein bisschen, aber da war echt der ein oder andere klassiker drauf....auf den neuen alben natürlich auch!
can i borrow a dollar und one day it will all make sense habe ich mal besessen und sehr gerne gehört, mitlerweile nervt mich seine stimme manchmal ein bisschen, aber da war echt der ein oder andere klassiker drauf....auf den neuen alben natürlich auch!

kauf dir resurrection,da ist jeder cent richtig angelegt !!!
ganz interessant:

Touch caught up with rapper Common to hear his take on race and relationships

TOUCH: This is a lyric from the track ‘Heat’ on your ‘Like Water For Chocolate’
album: "State senators, life twirls, most sell out – like a dread with a white
girl." Explain please.
COMMON: Rastafarianism is a black culture. When you see dreadlocked dudes with white
girls that’s like they going against what the dreadlock’s purpose was. The dreadlock
was a symbol of black love and the black people gettin’ to a certain level. In
America we’ve got a lot of dreadlocked dudes and all you see them with is white
girls. I don’t think there’s anything the matter with somebody loving somebody from
another race but it’s almost like a stereotype that if you’ve got dreadlocks you go
out with a white girl. I just feel like, as black men, we do have to be aware that,
yo, every time we step out with some woman it’s setting an example for our daughters
and it’s also representing something for our mothers. If you can’t really love your
own, how can you really love others?

TOUCH: So you don’t agree with mixed race relationships?
COMMON: I don’t disagree with them. It’s just I’ve been around black girls who say,
"I only date white men". I’ve been around black dudes who I see only be with white
girls. Is that a lack of self-love? To say "I only deal with these type of people"
has gotta be a problem.

TOUCH: Have you ever dated outside your race?
COMMON: Nah, not dated [giggles].

TOUCH: Have you slept with anybody outside your race?
COMMON: Yeah, I definitely have.

TOUCH: So sleeping with someone outside your race is OK but dating isn’t?
COMMON: People got their choice. I’m not telling them how to live their lives. I
just tell them what I think about and what I feel about certain situations. Dealing
with having sex with a white girl is something I have encountered and I’m not acting
like white girls and other races are not people. We all people: children of God. But
our race has been damaged. Sometimes to get back up to the level of respect and
love, you’ve gotta stick with your own for a minute and build a certain amount of
strength and community within yours so that other people can respect and honour your

TOUCH: How do you feel about a black person dating a mixed race person of black and
white parentage?
COMMON: Ah man, if you’ve got one black parent and one white parent, then the
majority of the time you considered black. People don’t look at Tiger Woods and see
he’s mixed. They say he’s a black golfer, even if he say he’s something else. Look,
I ain’t here to judge people’s relationships. I’m more about, "Hey black people, I
see you out there talking about how you a Rastafarian, but you only wanna date white
women". Is that what Rastafarianism is based on?

TOUCH: Rastafarianism has different houses with different views. Though
Rastafarianism is about celebrating who you are and where you’re from, isn’t it also
about loving people regardless of creed or colour?
COMMON: I don’t know all the bases of Rastafarianism, but I know that it stems from
Africa and Ethiopia and really came into fruition in Jamaica during the time that
the blacks were being oppressed. It was about black people paying homage to their
culture, embracing their culture. So when you embrace your culture and then say,
"OK, but I’m only gonna date the opposite race", to me that’s a little opposite to
what you’re projecting out through your hair and the way you looking. I know you
don’t agree, but I’m glad that you bringing these things up. How do you feel, as a
white lady?

TOUCH: I absolutely loved your album ‘Like Water For Chocolate’ but that lyric
pissed me off. I live in a very multicultural environment, maybe if I lived in
America I would feel differently.
COMMON: Yeah, it definitely has something to do too with the way I was raised. I
mean, not even from my parents, but from being in Chicago, a very segregated city.
There is very much an enforcement of black culture where I grew up.

Common boards his plane. We agree to disagree. I tell him I respect that he speaks
his mind in music. Days later our conversation continues.

TOUCH: Last time we talked about mixed race relationships…
COMMON: It was good that we talked about that. I talked about it even more after I
hung up. I was talking to my team about it and they had their own views. My whole
thing is that black women have been so put down – whether it’s due to the oppression
of a white government or we [black men] putting our own women down. When dudes say
they only gonna focus on white girls, to me, it’s like a slap in a black girl’s
face. What’s ironic is when you hear this song on my new album called ‘Real People’.
It deals with something almost of the same nature. I say: "Black men walking with
white girls on they arms. I be mad at ’em as if I know they mums. Told to go beyond
the surface, a person’s a person. When we lessen our women our conditions seem to
worsen". I’m glad we got to discuss this though. Ya know, I still feel like because
I’m an artist and I say certain things, I have a responsibility to let people know
what I mean. I can’t claim to be perfect. I’m working too to be a better guy."

Now I'm black and I date a caucasian chick and this pisses me off a litte. I get the
interracial dating crap a lot. And guess what? I do want to grow some dreds! I don't
think people realize how much crap black dudes with white chicks (and vice versa)
take. I realize those dudes overracted because it's not like he said "I hate
interracial couples.", but I'm one of those dudes who's gone out with 99% non-black
girls.. Not by choice, I just went to a ghetto ass school and black girls said I
acted "too white" (was 'whitewashed') and didn't like me. I've gone out with one
black girl but even she was mixed and hated the way she was treated so much she said
she'd rather be white. He's right about us needing to come together but I don't
think "sticking with your own" is the way to do it.

Source: Touch Magazine (
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