Witzig muss es sein und flach III

was ist der unterschied zwischen charlie harper und barcelona?

charlie harper hat chelsea ge****t
Whays the difference between a priest and acne? Acne doesnt come on your face till your 12

Whats the difference between a whore and an onion... i cried when i cut up the onion!
A woman is pregnant with twins, she passes out just after birth. When she gets conscious again after one week, the doctor says: "We´re so glad we´ve got you back. You gave birth to a beautiful girl and a boy. But meanwhile, we had to decide about your babies names, and the only one around to ask was your brother." She turns pale. "How COULD you, my brother´s such an idiot!! So, what are my poor childrens names??"
"Well, the girls name is Deniece."
"So well, that is a nice name. And the boy?"
hmm schriftlich kommt der nicht ganz so cool, das is eher son witz den man mündlich weitergeben sollte :D
aber trotzdem nice
cristiano ronaldo kommt weinend nachhause. fragt die mama "wieder messi?". ronaldo daraufhin
"ne, nen neuer"

A woman is pregnant with twins, she passes out just after birth. When she gets conscious again after one week, the doctor says: "We´re so glad we´ve got you back. You gave birth to a beautiful girl and a boy. But meanwhile, we had to decide about your babies names, and the only one around to ask was your brother." She turns pale. "How COULD you, my brother´s such an idiot!! So, what are my poor childrens names??"
"Well, the girls name is Deniece."
"So well, that is a nice name. And the boy?"

hm ich komm net drauf...
Ein Betrunkener ruft bei der Polizei an.
"Ich muss ein Geständnis ablegen. Ich habe soeben einen Dinosaurier überfahren!"
"Sie haben was?!?"
"Ich habe soeben einen Dinosaurier überfahren!"
"Dinosaurier sind ausgestorben!"
Da fängt der Betrunkene schrecklich an zu weinen: "Das habe ich nicht gewollt!"
What did the black woman name her 5 sons?
- Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone, and Tyrone.
How did she tell them apart?
- She just called them by their last names.

I was eating out this girl, and I tasted horse semen.
Then, I looked at her and said, "Oh grandma, so that's how you died!"

What's worse than the Holocaust?
6 million jews.

Whats a word that begins with N, ends in R and you never want to a call a black person?

what do blacks and bicycles have in common?
they both stop working once you take the chains off.

What is the most positive thing in the ghetto?

How does a black girl know she's pregnant?
When she pulls out her tampon, all the cotton has been picked

What's better than winning the special olympics?
Not being retarded.

Anal sex is like spinach: if you're forced to have it as a kid, you won't enjoy it as an adult.
What did the black woman name her 5 sons?
- Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone, and Tyrone.
How did she tell them apart?
- She just called them by their last names.
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